Quitting My Job With Only $150 Monthly Side Income

Tadas Petra
4 min readNov 20, 2020
Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Why I left

Since I was in highschool, I never wanted to work a 9–5 job. I have been the person that likes to have control of what I am doing, and with the things that I build.

What I don’t like about 9–5

  • A 9–5 forces you to stay there even when you have finished your work.
  • You rely on your boss and people above you to make you be successful.
  • The amount of work you put in doesn’t directly correlate with what you get.
  • You don’t have control of the companies future
  • There are a lot of corporate politics that you have to maneuver
  • You are not allowed to speak your mind freely, and really voice your opinions

Those are just some of the reasons, but there are a lot more. That is why I have always wanted to figure out a way to make money without working a 9–5. However then came university and internships, and one thing led to another, and I found myself at my last semester of university. During that last semester I started taking things a lot more seriously. I would wake up at 3am before going to class to learn web development, but nothing worked out so I ended up taking a job.



Tadas Petra

On a journey to explore all the different aspects of coding.