Coding Fundamentals Are Underrated

Tadas Petra
4 min readDec 1, 2020

With all the new technologies and frameworks, it is becoming easier and easier to create apps that “work”. I put the work in quotes, because even though the app might function, it will most likely not scale and will probably have some big bugs as well. Without good coding fundamentals, you will almost certainly have a tough time building maintainable and scalable code.

What is a Coding Fundamental?

A fundamental is an adjective that describes forming a necessary base or core. By this it means to have a good understanding of the core of what coding is. Frameworks like React and Flutter are just complex combinations of the fundamental underlying code. But even though a lot of the underlying code is abstracted, understanding what is actually going on will still help you tons.

How To Learn?

Coding Fundamentals can range from anything like naming variables to software architecture and everything in between. You can learn these fundamentals in any language, and they will translate to any other language. My two favorite languages to learn these are C and C++. With C you will really get to understand what exactly is happening in your code. It is a low level language so you have to be more direct about how you access memory, inputs, and many other things. Then it is definitely important to…



Tadas Petra

On a journey to explore all the different aspects of coding.